
EasyBeast Audio

Mountain Lion + Kakewalk + GA-UD3P-EP45 + ATI Radeon HD4870x2

By | Hackintosh | 3 Comments

I am succesfully running Mountain Lion 10.8.2 on a GA-UD3p-EP45 with a Radeon HD4870x2 with full QE/CI support.  I have attempted to summarize all the information needed to make a successful install with complete graphics and driver support.  Here is my brief guide, please leave any questions in the comments:

1.  Reset BIOS to Optimized Defaults (Sorry, it has to be!)
2.  Download Kakewalk 4.5
3.  Follow these instructions to setup Kakewalk and boot Mountain Lion
4.  Download the ep45-UD3p Post Install.zip.  >> Make sure this ends up on your USB Key!

You will not have Sound, Ethernet, or PS/2 support out of the box.  Also – if the system won’t boot on the first try – restart and let it try again.  (AppleRTC patch is not yet patched).

Once you get to your desktop >>

1.  Open Kext Utility, it will Repair permission automatically at first, let it run —

2.  Open the QE_CI Exotic Patch folder.

3.  When Kext Utility is finished repairing permissions drag and drop (one at a time) ATIRadeonX2000.kext and ATI4800Controller.kext into the Kext utility.  It will repair permissions each time it processes a Kext file!

4.  Reboot

You should now have full graphics.

1.  Run MultiBeast


  • EasyBeast
  • Audio>RalktekALC8xx>WithoutDSDT>>ALC885/889a
  • Disk >> Jmicron36x and TRIM if you have SSD
  • Misc >> PS/2 to enable oldschool mouse/keyboard
  • Network >> Realtek Gigabit Ethernet 2.0.6
  • System>>AppleRTC Patch
  • Bootloader >> Chimera — if you need it
  • Boot Options >> PCI Root ID Fix

2.  Reboot!

For MobileMe access and Facetime Support

1.  Use Chameleon Wizard

2.  Click SMBios tab

3.  Click Edit

4.  Under week of Manufacture click Random and under Unique Number click Random again

5.  Hit Save

6.  Reboot



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