Deploy Script Meteor on Modulus with Codeship

By November 5, 2014Featured, Interest, meteor

Continuous Integration with, Meteor, and Modulus.  Follow these three easy steps to get started…

Start by signing up for a account and linking an active Github or Bitbucket repository. 

#1.  Setup Tests > I want to Create My Own Commands:

nvm install 0.10.33
nvm use 0.10.33
curl -o
chmod +x
sed -i "s/type sudo >/dev/null 2>&1/ false /g"
export PATH=$PATH:~/.meteor/
meteor --version

#2.  Click Deployment, “Add a Branch to Deploy”.  Be careful here, as you must manually type in  the Branch you plan on deploying to – Codeship does not autofill this, so it can be confusing.

Be sure your Deployment Branch matches the branch you will be pushing too.  Otherwise, your app will not deploy to Modulus.

#3.  Select the Modulus icon and be sure to fill in all the fields:
[raw]Api Token :

Project Name :

Url :[/raw] #4.  Reward yourself.

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